Monday, June 29, 2009

Candy Rain 花吃了那女孩

This movie is SUPERB! Watch it here (this links to the first section, it's cut into 15 sections). And also click on the title of this post to go to its website--- it's quite addictive to listen to the cropped songs from the movie, played non-stop^^

The name of the movie is derived from its forth story : The flower has eaten that girl. Another name is the direct translation from Candy Rain: 愛情糖果雨(this is actually a romanticalized version that add "love" into it so more appropriately translated as Love-Candy rain).

It's a LBGT love movie, especially about Lesbian love. Uber cool!

I don't watch love story or romantic movies but I was hooked by the storyline (stronger than the Brokeback Mountain!)

There are 4 lesbian couples, and are presented in 4 sections separatedly:

1. <<如果南國冰封了>> (If the Southern country was frozen)-- Happily together;
2. <<看不見攻擊的城市>> (The city under invisible attack)-- Unhappily together;
3. <<夢見相反的夢>> (Dreamt of the opposite dream) -- Happily together but cannot be together;
4. <<花吃了那女孩>> (The flower has eaten that girl) -- Happy and unhappy either being together not.

The review:

The first couple in the first story <<如果南國冰封了>>
辛佳穎 Jiayi as Jessie and 陳泱瑾 Yingjie as Pon

I actually dislike this pair of couple because I personally think they are childish, while the fact is they are adults. Jessie is a soft and introvert girl from Southern Taiwan who broke up with her boyfriend, and decided to seek refuge at Pon's place in Taipei upon Pon's invitation who heard of the story. Pon had a crush on Jessie since high school.

First illogical point: on the first day's moved in, the two of them kissed and played intimate. To make it logic we had to assume that Jessie was very disappointed with her ex-boyfriend and hence accepted her girl friend's love (but why so fast? no warming up at all!). The best part of this story is when it ends. They have a small argument over a small matter so Jessie cried, walked out of the house and took a train to some rural areas to cool her head down. She bought some candies at a old and small grocery shop and chatted with the old shop owner about his life and his family. When Jessie went back home and found Pon was sitting on the floor crying, they hugged each other and rekindled their love. Happily ever after (assumed).

So this story is an example of the two who will suffer if they are not together, and of course happy when they're together.

The second couple in <<看不見攻擊的城市>>
魏如萱 Ruxuan as Lin (left), and 張榕容 Yung-yung as U

The couple in this story, as one of the youtube commentator dubbed: "I found their characters the most intriguing". U is an Aries girl who has Obsessive-Compulsive disorder. Starred by Chang Yung-Yung, I believe she is a very talented rising star (or already a big star I dunno, I don't follow Chinese entertainment -_-). U met a rich successful lady Miss Lin through online social network who is a mild-control freak (sort-of). Miss U eventually met a random girl at the commuter sttaion whom she think is the ideal lover for her. She then sent an sms to Lin to end their relationship (what the...). One of the most explosive sexual performance in this movie comes from her masturbation.

Kissing is a very small matter in this movie.
As claimed by all actresses.
Aussie regards all acting professionals as actors---no gender differences or what they call gender discrimination ╮(╯3╰)╭

One thing I cannot tahan about her apartment setting is that it's full of bright light bulbs. Her bed is even transparent (!) and you can see through the metal springs of the bed (but the bed sheet seems like a piecve of glass to me!) AND when you lay on the bed it lights up! --- comfortable to sleep meh? And when you face up laying on the bed, 4 freaking white light tubes are on top of the ceiling shining right in your face! Cannot tahan ler, haiz.

The implicit (actually it's quite explicit) symbolization of the two same species who cannot live with each other, using Siamese fighting fish.

The third couple in <<夢見相反的夢>>
Spancer (吴立琪) and Summer (高伊玲)

The absurd opening of the story is the obscene moaning (or screaming?) of Summer (the femme lover). Illogic point number two: when the camera drew closer to the bed, both of them are fully clothed, though Summer was only in lingerie. This is the story with most favors from the audience, as Summer and Spancer (the androgyn female---I hope the director or script writer can check the spelling of Christian names before they write it or print it on the screen... it's Spencer lah!) are truly loving each other, no arguments, loves each other from the heart and enjoy the company. But Summer made a stupid decision of fulfil her social responsibility---married a guy, having a family and giving birth to children. They made a promise to reunite after Summer's 10 years' of marriage. Why are you getting married knowing that you'll divorce one day? People says it's because of the social responsibility... SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY is a lifetime commitment and not a ten-year game, idiots! So they got themselves into troubles (padan muka), only after the third year Summer frequently came back to Spancer, prompted her husband to come over and had a "discussion" among the 3 of them. The husband asked Spancer to move into their house so that she can make Summer stayed at home and live happily there. EXTREME mental retardation. Divorce lah! Marry a new lady lah! What the fuss? The child belongs to whom the 3 of you decide lah! Haiyo!

I like this couple but I cannot accept the fact that Spancer is also approval of Summer getting married to fulfil a 10 year social duty. DUH.

The most popular androgyn actress in Taiwan.
I really thought she is a guy when she made her first appearence.

The controversial naked poster of the two.
They have the most sex scenes in the movie, but not as exposed as this poster.

The forth couple and the ex-es in <<花吃了那女孩>>
Second ex (许安安), Ricky (林嘉欣), Cindy the current gf (王心凌)

Ricky's first ex (played by 路嘉欣).
The story is lame and crazy at first but it turned sad and sombre after Ricky's first ex committed suicide (not dead) at the entrance of her apartment.

This is the stupidest part of the whole movie. It also spoils the good feeling of the whole movie. I recommend people who watch this movie to pause at the end of the 3rd story. Take a break, be mentally prepared that you are watching a short film that is directed by another person which aims to portray the Lesbian story in a lame way.
I can't imagine there are praises for this part of story, and guess what? The stars who play these two lesbian lovers are hailed as leading actors of the movie and all the promoting posters are mostly featured ONLY the two of them! DUH, BIG time.

This couple has the most publicity before its release.
And also the most disappointing pair of all time. People still love them so forget what I said.
And oh yeah Cindy has Neon orange, pink, and light blue hair interchanging throughout the story number 4.

Ricky (林嘉欣) punched by Cindy (王心凌) while bumped into her ex (许安安) at a bookstore

I'm lazy to comment about the self-assumed funnily animated actings and bitch/lovers fights. The end.

Good girl gone bad 许安安 and 房思瑜
For the sake of the movie.

One thing I don't like about the setting of the story is (sorry for being too critical, it's actually a really good movie but I can't help critiqueing, being moi T_T), ACTUALLY the four couples are leaving in the same apartment building. Yet they never meet each other (as the movie portrays). Some of them had been filmed on the roof top of the building but they never bumped into each other. There's no complaxity in intertwining the characters... which can be fun. And one unexplained scenario is that, each of the apartment unit received a box of candies, addressed to "Candy Rain", but none of them bare the name "Candy". While I watched the third story, I thought Cindy Wang played a neon-bimbo girl named Candy (so the story can be fitted as the sender or the postman passed on the box to the wrong recipient. But, NO. All 4 units of apartment received the box, and all of them open it up and start eating the candies (after a minor questioning on "who's Candy Rain?" to their lovers).

OK, if the script writers want to make these 4 couples not related at all... make them live in totally different places lah! Since they have very different room decor because of their different personalities: the first one is dirty and untidy and the unit looks very old, the second is very artistic, the third one is super tidy an clean, and the fouth one is mssy but urbane. One answer could explain why: sav cost on filming at different locations! DUH.

Anyway, this is good LBGT film that is worth watching (suddenly become soft and friendly ^^).

All casts

Sunday, June 28, 2009

A Sinfully Good Breakfast

A mug of fresh milk, 2 omelettes, 2 pieces of ham, a peach, and a book to read.

The book is <> by Sister Helen Prejean. It's controversial, I know. I only realised the book mark that I used is a Gospel bookmark given by my cousin who's a devoted Christian. Wonder how she thinks about Dead Man Walking.

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Sinful Wish list---nothing to do with Winter^^

This has nothing to do with my attempted impulse-shopping spree as well >_< (WHAT A BIG FAT LIE!)

I want one of those knitted caps T_T
Beanies don't look good on me. May be because of my flat forehead T_T I really thoughts beanies are more YEAH and hippy...may be that's just not my style, uhuhuhu

Cute White Ugg Boots!!!
starting bid ONLY 99cents T_T
I want I want I want I want I want I want I want I want I want I want

99cent boots!
Australia e-Bay is now having massive 99cents sales.
For international buyers it's only good if you think the international shipping is worth it AFTER converting it into local currency T_T

White flats slingbacks with diamante ribbon as detail.

No, I'm not gonna get this unless it's under RM15, haha!
Go hunting at the City I may get this under AUD 12!

I can match this with leggings or jeans^^

*Well, my darling will sure bar me from getting of these, sebab dah over belanja the last few months, uhuhuhu*
>>Rayuan: but it's really cheap, please~~~~~<<

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

I wanna buy these great books but not now

The Trial by Franz Kafka

We Need To Talk About Kevin by Lionel Shriver

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Tim Burton's Alice In Wonderland

Johnny Depp - Mad Hatter

Helena Bonham Carter - Red Queen

White Queen

The appearance of the White Queen means this is not the usual version of the Alice in the Wonderland that is popularly known. Lewis Carrol wrote a sequel for AITWL: Through the Looking-Glass, and What Alice Found There---and that is where the White Queen is one of the protagonists of the story.

Although I am a now a grown-up, I still love children literature. American and Scandinavian universities even offer bachelor and master of education/literature degree majoring in children's literature. Though I love to read, I cannot write---because of one discouragement I encountered when I was in Primary 1 or 2 (you can Malaysian education is not doing good to young children of my generation, and I believe will not do any good for our future generation either T_T). I will blog about the traumatised story later, LOL.

Back to the topic, I can't wait for Tim Burton's Alice in the Wonderland!
(˙▽˙) (╯▽╰ ) (≧▽≦)<( ̄︶ ̄)> []~( ̄▽ ̄)~* ( ̄﹏ ̄) ( ̄ˇ ̄) (︶︿︶) (〒︿〒) (▔﹏▔)

﹀( ̄▽ ̄)﹀

★('(oo)')(>(oo)<) ♫♫

I want ニコニコべんとう (smiling bento)

I need smiles. I need them to lift my spirit up.

And they use the niko niko punch (smiley face punch) to extract the dried seaweed out and stamp the extracted seaweed-niko face on the food.
Niko niko Punch Three ^o^
Copyright © J-List

Price: ¥2,100 (JPY)
~ $22 (USD)
~ €15 (EUR)

Mahal lah sayang.

Saturday, June 20, 2009

Miss Student UK 2009/2010

One day I was checking out my facebook and got a message from my fellow high school friend. I clicked on the link and guess what it is about:

Miss Student UK 2009/2010 contest Facebook group

OK, fine. A bunch of pretty girls, smart or not, as long as you are studying in one of the universities in UK, and whether of not you are a Brit, you can partipate. I'm fine with that too.

So in order to stand out, these contestants have to set up facebook groups and to invite as many as supporters as they can to join their group. With one additional person joined the group, they get points.

Self introduction (sounds like any secondary school girl's self-blog) and below it is "Please support me now" links. Different kinds of help, varying points they get.

They also have to get sponsors (!) to donate money to them. The one who get the most pointers gathered through any means abide by the contest regulations, she is the winner.

"Please help me win Miss Student UK"

This sounds like the Miss Student UK is judged from popularity and has to use her brain (?) to garnered the most supports in order to win.

I'm fine with this too.

Now, take a look at THESE contestants:

Holy cow. She is bakal jururawat! She will get all the male patients in her interning hospital high blood pressure.

Is she entering the stripper's competition or a student's? She studies drama. Dramatic indeed.

The type of hot girl the guys like in college. OK, and she studies advertising, good for her.

The grand final is this month. Good luck lingerie girls T_T

Now comparing my friend and another contestant with my favourite stripper/nurse:

Who would you vote and support?

ROTFLOL \(^▽^)/

Have a look at the 2008 Grand Finalist HERE

Is it really more than just a pretty face? ;-)