Sunday, August 12, 2012

Sage leaves and coconut oil: eyelashes conditioner

This home remedy is adapted from Kirby Koo's. I have sparse eyelashes, and my lower lashes are almost non-existence T_T

The ingredients call for olive oil, but I don't think I like the smell of it on my eyes, so I substitute it with my favorite coconut oil, which I found some other people use instead of olive oil. In addition, it has the 'darkening' effect on hair (I don't mind having my lashes grow more, longer and darker) ;)


- 1 tsp extra virgin coconut oil
- about 7 or 8  fresh sage leaves
- a small bowl
- some boiling hot water (just enough to submerge the leaves)
- a small clean bottle
- cotton bud

I prefer fresh herb over dried ones. Well, another reason is I can't seem to find any fried sage leaves here :p

The lovely herb with a lovely look 

I chose a 'branch' of sage  J

Adding the boiling hot water. I added a bit more because I plan to have some  to be mixed with honey to drink. I have sore throat at the moment and the sage is said to be curing sore throat as well.
Let this sit for an hour for it to be cooled.

This is the result of 4 teaspoons of sage water plus a teaspoon of coconut oil. The coconut oil  can be seen as the top layer here.

Shake well before use. This is after shaking. I use cotton bud to dip and apply on  my upper and lower lash lines. You can use a clean mascara wand instead.
As suggested by Kirby Koo, make these in small batches so we use the freshest possible tonic on our eye areas.

Most remedies calls for 1 part of oil and 1 part of sage water. But I'm afraid that too much oil will clog pores or irritate the eyes. So I decided to reduce the amount of oil to sage water ratio.

For people living in Klang Valley of Malaysia, you can find fresh herbs especially sage leaves from Cold Storage. I got mine from Sunway Pyramid's Cold Storage, I suppose the one in Subang Summit have this too. I tried looking for sage leaves (dried or fresh) in Carrefour, Jusco, Tesco, and Giant with no luck.

Also, the sage leaves can be eaten! We can fry it stove top or bake it in an oven and then eat them as chips!

1 comment:

  1. ohhh does it work does it work?? i doubt i can find sage leaves here T_T

