Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Chick pea flour home remedy for face

I initially bought chick pea flour for experimenting new food recipe as I explore making vegan meals (chick pea flour is a substitute for eggs, other than flaxseed gel). However when I come across its use as beauty mask/cleanser/exfoliator, I can't wait to try it out.

I bought this from Giant supermarket in Malaysia, though I wish to buy one from Indian grocery (for the sake of authenticity), but I guess I can just try the supermarket product. It cost RM2 for 500g, pretty cheap!

So this is a popular Indian home remedy for beauty care, that works for skin whitening, reducing pore size, and overall improving face skin, sworn by Bollywood actresses.

I don't want the skin whitening effect because I don't want to look pale, but I have these freaking freckles resulting from driving to work and back, though I always have sunblock applied on my face :(
And also, the pore-size reducing effect is what I always wanted but any products that I used claiming to do the work never give me any improvements but my pores keep on enlarging over the years as I age T_T

So this is the recipe that I use, adapted from Indian Girl:

Ingredients from top to bottom: organic honey, low fat natural yogurt with ive and active cultures, and chickpea flour.
For whole face:
  • 1 tablespoon of chickpea flour (I added more to reach the thickness that I want, so in the end it's 2 tbs I think)
  • 1 teaspoon of milk or honey if prefer a thicker consistency
  • 1 tablespoon of natural unsweetened yoghurt
After some experiments, you will eventually know how much you need for your whole face or only targeted problem areas. The picture above and below are the amount for cheeks and lower chin areas only.

After mixing everything together.

It's very important to use unsweetened products on your face because refined sugar/manufactured sweetener is the culprit to acne/pimples :(

I apply the mask on my face after cleanse my face with my favourite face wash, and then proceed to make meal and wash cloths (I love multitasking!). I don't know how long I left it on, may be about 15 minutes, and I only intend to wash it off when the mask starts to dry up. You can feel the tingling sensation and I don't want the drying up process creating wrinkles on my face. So I wet my hands and gently scrub around my nose, forehead, cheeks, and lower chin (acne prone/large pore areas) and then rinse them off.

The verdict? OMFG it's been years I have a minimal pore-looking face! The brightening effect and the pore-minimizing effect actually reveal my face with more freckles that I didn't notice... but the minimized pore does feel great! So now I know where to target the freckles... oh brown spots please stop multiplying LOL.

Chick pea flour is my new love now 

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