Mum keep pesan me to drink Australian pure honey because it costs RM35 per 500g in Malaysia. Honey's good for your skin, well being, and your
BRAIN (!).

I bought 1 'bucket' of pure honey which is 1kg in weight at the fresh market where the farmers, ranch owners and perhaps bee breeders sell their fresh products. $7. Good deal. This vendor sells beautiful large ranch eggs too, 12 eggs for only $3, some more he claimed the hens are fed on a diet of grains and legumes, good, healthy, so I bought the eggs too.
I should drink the honey everyday but sometims I forgot (even though I place it next to my study desk everyday). Duh, no wonder my face is still full with pimples and my brain is not working well, padan muka.
In Malaysia I bought pure honey from Vietnam, available in supermarkets, only RM8 or so. I prefer honey with an alcoholic taste, like the one me and darling bought from indegenous people at Cameron Highlands. Darling dislikes the taste, huhu. And it costed us RM30 per bottle. Wah, massacred.
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massacred?? OH... wallet
ReplyDeleteI loved honey and alcholic! can imagine how it taste. but too bad... I can't get them here. T_T
Actually its a sin for vegan like me to take honey, its a animal production. but... I couldn't quit.
yah i mean the wallet^^
ReplyDeletei also drink lots of honey in miri leh. may be u can get some from taman muhibbah ^o^ sometimes those from Dadau or some places they sell pure honey too (i think). But very rare gua. My dad always buys from his friend, but i dunno where and who, haha.
honey's not from the body portion of the bee, not even its saliva (they're not "bird nest"^^), bees collect nectars from flowers. so it's vegetarian. no worries about vegetarians eating honey.
from where or who u heard it's a sin? enlighten me^^
no~ i mean the honey with alcohol one... I was concern about the hygiene issue of honey that sells in market. I need to becareful, I get food poisoning very easy. T_T.
ReplyDeleteLike what u have said, actually Chinese vege and buddish take them, the religion approve so. but for me, milk, cheese and honey was like seconary production from the chain of lifes.
Im not practice vege for religious reason, I did it for humantarian and environmental. I want to be a pure vegan, but there is a long way to go as I still consuming leathers, and not forgotten, addiction to eggs, milk and honey.
There is a lot of reason people turn vege. Check the link below.~
Wah~ now i can see that you are a very strict vegan! T_T
ReplyDeleteeven includes the secondary productions from the chain of life! Do u mean u sympathize the bees that work so hard to collect the nectars? Hmmmm.
eggs i understand lah... but there are lots of eggs nowadays are not produced to breed the chicken but the neutralized eggs that will not be "conceived" to give birth to chicks. But as long as the eggs come out from the hens it's prohibited in veganism is it? Hmmmmmmmmmmmm. But those hens are genetically modified by human in order to produce eggs only, so their purpose is not for meat consumption, but to provide the protein (in the eggs) for human. Is that morally wrong in veganism?
My mum used to bake a cake for some buddhist friends and after they found out about the cake was made of eggs and some custard that contained animal products, they went to pray for Buddha's forgiveness for accidentally consumed the animal-product (they're strict Buddhist vegetarians T_T)
that happens when i'm in primary 6 i think. i've been pondering about this for a very long time and until today i still cannot find an answer that satisfy me. I wanna be a vegetarian but i failed, HAHA. because i cannot TAHAN when people say to me "why eat vege only? you are so thin ad! don go on diet!". My mind is still not tough and firm enough to carry out what i believe is good and easily influenced by what others think of me, so i gave up a long time ago T_T
I won't say myself as a strict vegan, I just try to lessen the massacre happen. Anyway, as you can see, I'm still left somewhere behind.
ReplyDeleteSo why are you making the crying face?
Yup, if there is no market value... what the wild bees has made will remain all as for them self, while production bees left nothing.
The same principle applied to chicken, however for business concern, I don't really think the chicken could "retired" and died naturally. Imagine that the chicken as our self, would you like to be born for the purpose of production? How sad this is, just a few thing to do in their life(eat, sleep and lay eggs). They don't have a change to see the world, even as a chicken, never step the foot on grass, never had a catch on worms... T_T
Sometimes I went kopitiam with my friends, if we are about to order kinda same thing, like fried type. Then I will have mine served ordinary... same price to pay with or without meat, the extra one that contribute from me would make my friend happy, so why not... (though this has consuming some meat). and I don't mine to touch some of the sisa-sisa.
Creating a scenario, if one day I lost myself nowhere in the jungle, I will have anything to keep me fit and survive. So, now you see... Im not strict in veganism. Be rational, if I died starving, who will pity on me?
Chiness vegetarian are likely to gaint weight when they start. This is because vegetables has less calories, therefore people have to take a lot more to catch up. I remember I take everything double. FYI, regulary my meal was like 1.5 of the size suggested, so double means 3 times la that people usually take. one day 3 meal... so I take 9 meal a day just to keep my self not feeling hungry, actually I want to have more... as result, I gain 3-4 kg a week.
The hardest part was the first 2 weeks, I feel hungry all the times, and keep stairing at people's food... anything could be put in mouth will draw away all my attention. and the acid that carried in salive will make the feeling even stronger. This is the process where body doing adjustment, adapting the new behaviour... after 3 weeks of stop meating, things would be better... in my case, the hunger stayed with me for 2 months. of course, the timing was different depends on people, but basically that was the process.
I never thought that I could become a vegan, so does everyone around. Even until today, my friends would still asked me: Hei! I want order this in big serving, you take meat liaw ma? I gave them back a white eyed look .(翻白眼)
I don't know if you still interest to became a vegan. If you do... here is the suggestion. Okay. Mcdonald tomorrow, Big Mac... when you eat the burger, try to do some imagination work, think the life of a cow should be, grassland, liver... not forgotten his/her company, and maybe it has kids too. Then suddenly, the cow was pull to be kill. Start from the head, body, then the bone are all chopped into pieces. The meat sended to factory... and the happy living cow now is one of the meat slices inside you burger. It has live before put on your mouth...
Wah... so long I write!!! Anyway, hopes this would help lo.
my crying face could mean: I'm sad, I'm speechless, I'm touched, I'm upset, etc ^^ my T_T after saying you're a strict vegan means I'm touched---not much ppl out there with strong determination you know^^
ReplyDeleteI am kind of expecting you writing the third and the second last paragraph^^
I used to thought about these too and it's my initial attention to become vegetarian as well, or in our buddhist sect's term, to "清口"---clean the mouth. I love the concept.
When I decided to quit being vegetarian, in order to make myself feel better, I reasoned that:
1) animals have small brain and some animals are not able to "think" at all. They have survival instinct, but not their intelligence to drive them to do something. So we can eat them excepts animals that are "smart" like dogs, monkeys, $ some birds/other species. That's why human does not eat everything on Earth (I know u know some people literally eat everything, but I'm not "them").
2) eat moderately. I never have meat as my main course. I eat vege more than meat products since i was young so I don't feel guilty for increasing world meat supply's demand.
3) to avoid criticism and accusation that I am on diet and being anorexia---i could say this is the main drive T_T
you mean you don't mind 吃肉邊菜? then i think you're really not that strict afterall. sorry if you mind about me calling you a "very strict" vegan, i should use the word 認真的吃素者 instead^^ 我明白你所謂的人性與明智的吃素﹐ 那是一件非常了不起的事情﹐ 我一點也沒不贊同的意思。現在的我只是沒那麼執着罷了﹐ 希望你不介意^^ 但是我還蠻期待有沒有人能馬上讓我改變主意﹐ 回心轉意去吃素﹐呵呵。
in order to lessen the hungry feeling, eat more soya food like tofu---my all time favorite, should not be easily gain weight^^ i fry everything with eggs too.
Don't read this if you don't wanna hear some extreme thoughts from me, hehe, I warn u ad^^:
ReplyDeleteabout the eggs---i know about the story of the hens and cows and pigs and whatnots, and nobody wants to be reborn to be a production machine. on the other hand, if we really care about animal's welfare so much, the best way is actually to let human go extinct. all other animals will be happy ever after you see.
i would say human is the biggest sin existence in the world. God only meant to create the 2 of them. Adam and Eve were cursed by the God to be able to conceive and having the next generations and living/suffering on this Earth---as a consequence of their sins. and do u know the sons of Adam and Eve committed the first murder in human history, and that created more sins to the human descendants---us, who until today still creating sins? so really salute people who doesn't eat meat at all because they are not creating more sins. Imagine in all the holy books mention that eat meat will go to hell and not eating any meat will go to heaven? There is peace already, may be. I know I'm kinda extreme in thinking about this, but as long as we are not eating tigers, penguins, polar bears, and other precious and perceived as smart animals, animals with emotions, I think there's no harm eating other animals.
In fact, some are meant to be eaten. I hate the ideas of chopping their head off and slice open their stomach too, that's why i eat less, so that less and less of them being slaughtered. We have laws, so we don't call this murder. I'd say jungle has law too, so I dislike the idea of eating wild animals. But before human population increase, people ate everything moderately including animals in the jungle and there's no such thing as extinction problem. moderate is the key.
Don't pity on fish, fish has no brain at all. though it's the fact that they have no brain, i hate to cut the fish especially they always have their eyes open. But I eat them because they have Omega 3 and all and they make human brain smarter. But eat moderately lah. Fish even go extinct, like the Blue Tuna and Red Fish. Blame the Americans and Japanese on this, haha! I'm bad, I know.
anyhow, the best way is actually eating fruits only. but even in the hundreds of thousands of years ago the extreme weather did not allow many plants to grow so our ancestors had no choice but to invent sharp objects to kill animals and eat them. to survive. ok, we're civilised now, why is the meat-eating habit won't go away? Imagine the criteria to be "civilised" is to eat fruits and vege only. I think there will be only one religion exist and God would accept all of us back to Eden and heaven. no more sufferings. Hah.
Imagine i used to be depressed because of these things, i think i am happier than before because i dont care so much, I am sinful after all ^^
eh...i am just being pessimistic^^ but always hope for the best thing to happen^^
Haha, no worries, you could throw anything you want, I'm open minded. ^0^/
ReplyDeleteI've been thinking the whole morning in library before come out this conclusion in short.
>>> Things happen by combination of circumstances, maybe your time is yet to come.
BINGO! (≧▽≦)y