Sunday, June 21, 2009

Tim Burton's Alice In Wonderland

Johnny Depp - Mad Hatter

Helena Bonham Carter - Red Queen

White Queen

The appearance of the White Queen means this is not the usual version of the Alice in the Wonderland that is popularly known. Lewis Carrol wrote a sequel for AITWL: Through the Looking-Glass, and What Alice Found There---and that is where the White Queen is one of the protagonists of the story.

Although I am a now a grown-up, I still love children literature. American and Scandinavian universities even offer bachelor and master of education/literature degree majoring in children's literature. Though I love to read, I cannot write---because of one discouragement I encountered when I was in Primary 1 or 2 (you can Malaysian education is not doing good to young children of my generation, and I believe will not do any good for our future generation either T_T). I will blog about the traumatised story later, LOL.

Back to the topic, I can't wait for Tim Burton's Alice in the Wonderland!
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