Saturday, June 20, 2009

Miss Student UK 2009/2010

One day I was checking out my facebook and got a message from my fellow high school friend. I clicked on the link and guess what it is about:

Miss Student UK 2009/2010 contest Facebook group

OK, fine. A bunch of pretty girls, smart or not, as long as you are studying in one of the universities in UK, and whether of not you are a Brit, you can partipate. I'm fine with that too.

So in order to stand out, these contestants have to set up facebook groups and to invite as many as supporters as they can to join their group. With one additional person joined the group, they get points.

Self introduction (sounds like any secondary school girl's self-blog) and below it is "Please support me now" links. Different kinds of help, varying points they get.

They also have to get sponsors (!) to donate money to them. The one who get the most pointers gathered through any means abide by the contest regulations, she is the winner.

"Please help me win Miss Student UK"

This sounds like the Miss Student UK is judged from popularity and has to use her brain (?) to garnered the most supports in order to win.

I'm fine with this too.

Now, take a look at THESE contestants:

Holy cow. She is bakal jururawat! She will get all the male patients in her interning hospital high blood pressure.

Is she entering the stripper's competition or a student's? She studies drama. Dramatic indeed.

The type of hot girl the guys like in college. OK, and she studies advertising, good for her.

The grand final is this month. Good luck lingerie girls T_T

Now comparing my friend and another contestant with my favourite stripper/nurse:

Who would you vote and support?

ROTFLOL \(^▽^)/

Have a look at the 2008 Grand Finalist HERE

Is it really more than just a pretty face? ;-)


  1. they look stupid to me.
    dat nurse definitely look like a bimbo.
    i guess she will be giving all docs 'extra service'.
    geesh..sorry to say but based on my understand, most mat salleh are jus...stupid.
    asian are way smarter! =)

  2. Yeah... that's why they see Asians as nerds (stereotyping!), though they also categorise some asians as "hot asians" (terfikir pasal Mean girls XD).

    but i have very bad experiences here in melbourne. i thought i have been discriminated enough in my home country. But i finally realised what true "xenophobia" and "sinophobia" means in this foreign land. Some mat sallehs particularly aim at "chinese", not korean and japanese (may be bcoz they're using Samsung and Sony T_T).

    I don't even identify myself as malaysian chinese anymore, i rather known as malaysian, just malaysian, in order to escape the discrimination. can u imagine how bad it is T__T wah, depressing topic ^_^

    but u know what, its mainly bcoz of the chinese who behave like sluts that give aussies this bad impression. I am speechless T_T

    back to the topic (hoho), i cant believe this miss student UK is this stupid too, they even sexify themselves--thanks to the calvin klein et al's influences^^
