Tuesday, August 4, 2009


Sometimes I cannot stand my students doing nonesense on the FB, teasing each other, emo-ing about their love problems, etc. But I have to blog about THIS one because it does not seem right to some people's mind:

*click to enlarge to read the comment*

So this stupid quiz machine tells my beloved student A that she will have 2 babies in the future. My student B got a 5 and she said it's not enough she wants more. A student C got 3 and said how come so sikit? A student D got 7 and she thanked the God and not the retard quiz master for the rezeki.

So the student A's response may be deemed as a rare one as she says "sudah cukop" for a 2. And her friend is trying to impose some @#$% thought on others life by saying "cukup ke 2? Nabi suruh meramaikan umat".

It was like (OK, it's actually "I feel like bashing..."), don't you know your friend is also a muslim? Do you think she's so stupid that she does not know this particular teaching of Nabi? And do you think she is not giving a thought of what she want in life? And what are you trying to do by leaving that comment? To tease her by not wanting more children and giving response like "2 jer? nak 8!" like you?

This does not mean she does not want more children because she wants to care less (like me, haha). She is my A-list student who is capable of becoming a diplomat or at least working for Ministry of Foreign Affairs, which I highly anticipate she will. She is good and excellent not only academically but also in her attitude.

So for those who has no ambition in high profile carrer and whatnot, just godamn shaddap and look after your 8 or may be 12 children back home and worrying if your husband is seeing other women while your friend travelling and working around the world serving the country and raising her 2 children overseas, godammit.


  1. yeah, agree... I had eyesore seeing some of my friends participate in quiz like crazy. Day and night, comments about the result during working hours... Some of the nonsence quiz really make me want to puke (new word learned from your blog yesterday. XD).

    They test their IQ(and score unbelievable high), which superstar will be their spouse in future, which sport car that suit them perfectly... so and so fourth~ (I still do some horoscope quiz, but just for self reference. I didn't posted the result anymore.)

  2. oh my dear you have just pointed out all that wasting-the-time-of-our-precious-lives activities and quizzes!

    IQ test is not as easy as a stupid 10 questions and to score a 138 out of it! the test needs to be certified dammit. i have to cool myself down whenever they're happy/over-react over their quiz results -_-"

    but you know what, this phenomenon really shows how lonely and how desperate people are today to get self-recognition and seek comfort in such, er, shock sendiri games? LOL

    May be i'm too realistic and boring as a person but i really have no ideas why my friends would invite me to do test like "what kind of handsome guy you'll marry in the future", can't they see i'm married? (really sounds like mocking me you see, how disrespectful! imagine i took the quiz and the result says "your husband is a hot guy like Won Bin", then how wud my friends react----aik, she's married but she fantasies about Won Bin---uber sick!) and those who send out such invites are those who're already in long term relationship! (can't they think what wud i think about them: "are they bored of their boyfriend or what?")

    I really don't know what has happened to these young adults' minds, sighing while LMAO!^^

  3. present continuous tense: laughing my ass off, muahaha

  4. thats explain why i never bother to OPEN an account in FB. wasting time n ridiculous. =D

  5. I think closing down my FB would be a wise thing to do. Even Bill Gates abandoned his FB account, LOL. I shall abandon or even delete it in the future^^ (my uni have functions and announcements made thru FB so cannot delete yet^^)

